Customer Experience Resources

Should Brands 'Break Up' With Twitter?

Should Brands 'Break Up' With Twitter?

It's been a rocky few months for Twitter. But does the loss of advertising mean your own company should jump to a new platform? Not if you use your account primarily for customer service, says this article.

The Future of SaaS Sales Lies in Interactive Demos and Product-Led Growth

The Future of SaaS Sales Lies in Interactive Demos and Product-Led Growth

Today's B2B buyers mostly want to be left alone to make their own decisions during their customer journey. Providing them with interactive content and product demos enables them to do just that.

Customer Benefits: A Brief Introduction to Why Customers Buy Your Products

Customer Benefits: A Brief Introduction to Why Customers Buy Your Products

When as a marketer you identify and focus on benefits, you ensure that you are focusing your attention on what customers are really buying; as a result, you don't waste money and energy in your marketing efforts.

Perceptual Maps and Competition: How to Understand and Improve Your Position in the Market

Perceptual Maps and Competition: How to Understand and Improve Your Position in the Market

Perceptual maps are the only way to understand what your position is in the market and how the market views you vs. your competitors. In fact, if you don't have a perceptual map, you're flying blind.

How to Effectively Build Your Brand Within Emerging Virtual Worlds

How to Effectively Build Your Brand Within Emerging Virtual Worlds

As the tide of technology moves closer to virtual reality, what can brands to do prepare? Advertising could look very different in a VR world. This article explores the possibilities.

Seven Ways Businesses Can Harness the Speed of Technology to Reduce Customer Churn

Seven Ways Businesses Can Harness the Speed of Technology to Reduce Customer Churn

We all know about the "Great Resignation," but survey results have uncovered a "Great Customer Resignation" as well. Churn is at an all-time high. Luckily, implementing data and good tech can mitigate the problem.

How to Use the Awareness Stages to Nurture Leads From MQL to SQL

How to Use the Awareness Stages to Nurture Leads From MQL to SQL

This article explores how to nurture potential B2B clients through the awareness journey, from Marketing-qualified lead to Sales-qualified lead, using the Awareness Cascade.

How to Build Marketing Automation Campaigns That Prompt Desired Behaviors From Your Leads

How to Build Marketing Automation Campaigns That Prompt Desired Behaviors From Your Leads

This article explores why it's important to build campaigns that elicit the behaviors you wish to see your leads displaying, and how to do that effectively—through marketing automation.

Seven Post-Purchase Email Conversations That Will Foster Customer Trust and Loyalty

Seven Post-Purchase Email Conversations That Will Foster Customer Trust and Loyalty

It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

Why VoC and CX Can't Be One Size Fits All

Why VoC and CX Can't Be One Size Fits All

In B2B relationships, all voices are important, but not equal or the same—and treating them as such can cost your company retention and loyalty.

How to Use Marketing Automation to Create Contextual Sales Conversations

How to Use Marketing Automation to Create Contextual Sales Conversations

Marketing has the power to not only drive demand gen but also ensure the sales team has relevant, contextualized conversations with qualified leads. Learn what contextualized conversations are, why they work so well to convert leads, and how marketing automation can help you help Sales.

Three Steps to Personalizing the Overall Customer Experience

Three Steps to Personalizing the Overall Customer Experience

Your company may have its messaging content and tone perfected, but that counts for nothing if you're messaging customers at 3 in the morning on weekends. Go through the steps in this article to achieve total personalization of the customer experience.

Measuring the Immeasurable: Customer Loyalty Metrics

Measuring the Immeasurable: Customer Loyalty Metrics

Although it's impossible to give an absolute value to abstract concepts such as loyalty, there are metrics that can indicate customers' willingness to return to your company. Here's what to track.

Why Your Customer Experience Metrics Are Lying to You

Why Your Customer Experience Metrics Are Lying to You

Convincing ourselves that our customer engagement tactics are working may feel great, but it isn't always helpful. That's why you should avoid relying too much on these three metrics.

B2B Tech Buyer Trends: Goodbye Vendor Reps, Hello Self-Service

B2B Tech Buyer Trends: Goodbye Vendor Reps, Hello Self-Service

B2B technology buyers are turning to vendor representatives less than ever and are increasingly relying on self-service resources, according to recent research from TrustRadius.

How to Meet B2B Buyers' E-Commerce Expectations

How to Meet B2B Buyers' E-Commerce Expectations

B2B buyers' behavior has shifted, particularly in e-commerce. Let's explore four fundamental ways to step up your B2B e-commerce game.

What Does a B2B Marketing Team Look Like in the Metaverse?

What Does a B2B Marketing Team Look Like in the Metaverse?

The metaverse isn't going to remain science fiction for long. How will it change the way B2B marketers operate? This article offers a few ideas.

Using Behavioral Progressive Profiling to Drive Demand Generation

Using Behavioral Progressive Profiling to Drive Demand Generation

The version of progressive profiling that most marketing automation companies espouse merely collects more data on prospective customers. But more data isn't enough. What you need instead is an understanding of those potential customers based on their behavior so you can significantly increase your chances of closing a sale.

How to Use Buyer Reviews in B2B Marketing

How to Use Buyer Reviews in B2B Marketing

When you're about to spend money on something, chances are you look up reviews of it first. But reviews and ratings aren't useful to buyers alone. Marketers can learn and benefit greatly from taking reviews into account.

The Secret Six-Ingredient Recipe for Perfectly Compliant Cookie Banners

The Secret Six-Ingredient Recipe for Perfectly Compliant Cookie Banners

Clicking "accept cookies" is an annoying but necessary step in the modern Web browsing experience. This article covers how to construct a site banner that is both compliant and (relatively) pain-free.

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