Account-Based Marketing Resources

A New Age of Buyer Personas: Navigating Today's High-Consideration Buying Decisions

A New Age of Buyer Personas: Navigating Today's High-Consideration Buying Decisions

Discover how to craft buyer personas that influence high-stakes buying decisions. Learn how to build trust and guide buyers. Read more.

Successful ABM: What B2B Marketers and Salespeople Need From Each Other

Successful ABM: What B2B Marketers and Salespeople Need From Each Other

What do B2B marketers and salespeople need from each other in order to execute successful account based marketing (ABM) strategies? To find out, researchers surveyed 400 B2B marketing and sales decision makers.

The B2B Sales Pipeline: A Simple Guide

The B2B Sales Pipeline: A Simple Guide

Grasp the essentials of building and managing a sales pipeline, identifying promising leads, and guiding them toward successful deals. Get started now.

Mastering Account Penetration: Four Essential Tactics for Sales Success

Mastering Account Penetration: Four Essential Tactics for Sales Success

Account penetration is a useful metric to determine how effective your sales and marketing strategies have been. This article provides tips on how to improve that metric.

ABX: The Answer for Finserv and Fintech Companies in Need of a Better GTM

ABX: The Answer for Finserv and Fintech Companies in Need of a Better GTM

Financial services companies are essential, but the industry has faced many setbacks in recent years. Using account intelligence, those organizations can take back control.

Think Outside the Office: Reach B2B Decision-Makers at Home

Think Outside the Office: Reach B2B Decision-Makers at Home

Not many people talk about "going into the office" anymore because so many offices are at home. Marketers need to refine their targeting strategies accordingly—to reach beyond job-related channels and meet prospects as they engage in everyday activities.

Four Intent Data Mistakes ABM Newbies Make

Four Intent Data Mistakes ABM Newbies Make

ABM is more effective with intent data! Yay! But you're using it wrong. D'oh! You might be making one of four newbie mistakes outlined in this article.

The ROI of B2B Account-Based Marketing

The ROI of B2B Account-Based Marketing

A third of B2B marketers who use account-based marketing (ABM) say they have seen a return on investment of more than 50% from the strategy, according to recent research from Demand Spring.

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