Writing Resources

How You Can Beat Writer's Block

How You Can Beat Writer's Block

Struggling with writer's block? Learn effective ways to overcome it and manage your deadlines. Read more.

How to Write Concisely: Nine Tips

How to Write Concisely: Nine Tips

Learn how to write concisely with these nine essential tips. Enhance your content's clarity and effectiveness. Read less here...

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling: How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling: How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

It sounds simple, but writing a good question and collecting reliable answers is harder than it seems—whether you're writing full-fledged survey instruments or quick questions for polls or forms. So here are six sets of expert tips and best-practices.

The Benefits of Using Plain Language in B2B Healthcare Content

The Benefits of Using Plain Language in B2B Healthcare Content

Do healthcare B2B buyers prefer marketing content from brands that use clear, plain language? If so, what benefits does using that sort of language deliver? To find out, Aha Media conducted a study with more than 150 clinical and non-clinical professionals.

ChatGPT and Jasper: Powerful Writing Tools or the End of Creativity?

ChatGPT and Jasper: Powerful Writing Tools or the End of Creativity?

Whether it's it's the start of the singularity or a fad that will fade like so many others, AI writing has taken the marketing world by storm. This article muses about whether human creativity is at stake.

Effective Writing Skills in Public Relations: Three Tips

Effective Writing Skills in Public Relations: Three Tips

Writing for public relations can be a challenge, especially when you're not familiar with your client's industry. Check out three tips for successful PR writing.

Five Tips for Writing Web Content That Captures Attention

Five Tips for Writing Web Content That Captures Attention

Web content is different from other forms of writing, and people consume it differently. The best-practices outlined in this article can help you create content that boosts your brand, improves SEO, and captures people's attention.

The Responsibilities and Backgrounds of Copywriters

The Responsibilities and Backgrounds of Copywriters

What do copywriters do? What are their educational backgrounds? Which skills do employers expect them to have? To find out, Semrush analyzed 400 copywriter job postings on Indeed.com.

Are You There, ChatGPT? It's Me, Marketing.

Are You There, ChatGPT? It's Me, Marketing.

Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Once the novelty of AI-generated content has worn off, is it really useful to your company? This article argues that it absolutely is, and you should adopt it sooner rather than later.

The Writing GPS: A Writing Framework That Makes Your Writing Ridiculously Good

The Writing GPS: A Writing Framework That Makes Your Writing Ridiculously Good

Writing can feel like inching your way along a pitch-black tunnel. You can make out only the next few feet in front of you. It's scary. But The Writing GPS is here to help.

The State of Blogging in 2022: Post Length and Writing Trends

The State of Blogging in 2022: Post Length and Writing Trends

Bloggers say it takes more than four hours, on average, to write a blog post, according to recent research from Orbit Media.

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