Measurement & Analytics Resources

Unlock the Power of First-Party Data With the CDP Approach

Unlock the Power of First-Party Data With the CDP Approach

Learn why customer data platforms (CDPs) are crucial for leveraging first-party data to improve marketing strategy and customer engagement. Read more.

How to Get Your Emails Seen, Read, and Acted On: Deliverability and Testing Tips

How to Get Your Emails Seen, Read, and Acted On: Deliverability and Testing Tips

Learn how to boost your email deliverability and engagement. Discover effective tips for testing to ensure your emails are seen and acted on.

The Data-Driven CMO: From Brand Builder to Revenue Generator

The Data-Driven CMO: From Brand Builder to Revenue Generator

Today's CMOs are transforming their roles by integrating data and technology to drive measurable business results. Read more.

AI Can Do Hard Things for You (Like Forecasting Future Success)

AI Can Do Hard Things for You (Like Forecasting Future Success)

In our enthusiasm to embrace generative AI for content creation, we often overlook all the other ways we can apply it. Case in point: predictive analytics and forecasting.

Where to Look for the Right KPIs for SaaS Marketing in Uncertain Economic Times

Where to Look for the Right KPIs for SaaS Marketing in Uncertain Economic Times

Learn which KPIs are crucial for SaaS marketing success during uncertain economic times. Identify and improve key metrics. Read more.

Telling a Story With Data: Four Essential KPIs to Share With Boards

Telling a Story With Data: Four Essential KPIs to Share With Boards

Learn how to present these four essential KPIs to your board, ensuring your data tells a compelling story. Find out now.

Why the New Cookieless Marketing Landscape Makes Closed-Loop Measurement So Important

Why the New Cookieless Marketing Landscape Makes Closed-Loop Measurement So Important

As third-party cookies crumble, how do marketers measure success? Explore how closed-loop measurement adapts to a cookieless future. Understand its impact on marketing measurement and discover its benefits. Read more.

The Advantages of Being a B2B 'Data Hero' Organization

The Advantages of Being a B2B 'Data Hero' Organization

Marketers who work for B2B organizations with complete and high-quality data are more likely to be satisfied with their lead scoring and to believe they will meet their marketing goals, according to recent research from Anteriad.

Five LinkedIn Ads Metrics You Should Be Tracking, But Probably Aren't (Yet)

Five LinkedIn Ads Metrics You Should Be Tracking, But Probably Aren't (Yet)

Uncover five LinkedIn Ads metrics crucial for B2B lead gen success. Enhance your LinkedIn strategy and drive better campaign results and ROI. Learn more.

Seven 'Smarketing' Metrics You Should Be Tracking to Align Marketing and Sales

Seven 'Smarketing' Metrics You Should Be Tracking to Align Marketing and Sales

Unlock the potential of your sales and marketing teams with key smarketing metrics. Discover how alignment can propel your business forward. Learn more now.

The Value of Every Single Customer: How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

The Value of Every Single Customer: How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

Key business metrics are there to tell you how well you're meeting customers' expectations and gaining conversions. One of the most important metrics to measure is customer lifetime value (CLV). See why it matters and how to calculate it.

Three Data-Led Content Marketing Predictions for 2024

Three Data-Led Content Marketing Predictions for 2024

In the current environment, the pressure is on all marketers to produce results. Here are three predictions for how the coming year's standout content marketing performers will use data to their advantage.

Your First-Party Data Journey: Key Milestones for Maximizing Value

Your First-Party Data Journey: Key Milestones for Maximizing Value

Laying the groundwork for first-party data success means understanding the variables that shape the journey and the key milestones along the way. And here they all are.

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling: How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling: How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

It sounds simple, but writing a good question and collecting reliable answers is harder than it seems—whether you're writing full-fledged survey instruments or quick questions for polls or forms. So here are six sets of expert tips and best-practices.

How to Measure Your Content Marketing Success: Nine KPIs You Should Monitor

How to Measure Your Content Marketing Success: Nine KPIs You Should Monitor

To discover whether your content marketing is successful and to what extent your content goals have been met, you need to identify your content marketing's key performance indicators. Monitor these nine KPIs.

Content Speaks, but Data Listens: How to Optimize Your Content Strategy

Content Speaks, but Data Listens: How to Optimize Your Content Strategy

In our data-rich, content-saturated digital landscape, success lies not in just creating more content but in listening to what your audience is telling you. Because content makes the connections, but data finds the match.

Google Analytics 4 and Paid Media: How to Get the Best Performance Out of GA4

Google Analytics 4 and Paid Media: How to Get the Best Performance Out of GA4

Google Ads continues to be a powerhouse among paid ad platforms, and now there's Google Analytics 4 to help you get more out of your data than ever. This article offers best-practices for using GA4 in paid media campaigns.

How to Build Customer Trust and Deliver Personalized Marketing With User-Centric Privacy Practices

How to Build Customer Trust and Deliver Personalized Marketing With User-Centric Privacy Practices

How do you strike the right balance between delivering personalized marketing experiences and protecting user privacy? Is it a zero-sum game in which one goal undermines the other, or can they harmoniously coexist?

The Decline of Cookies Means the Rise of Organic Search Marketing

The Decline of Cookies Means the Rise of Organic Search Marketing

As cookies and third-party tracking fall out of favor, marketers will need to look beyond paid media and revisit the backbone of SEO: organic search.

Link Prospects' Personal and Business Data to Engage and Convert: The Awesome Power of B2B2C Linkage Data

Link Prospects' Personal and Business Data to Engage and Convert: The Awesome Power of B2B2C Linkage Data

Connecting the dots between a prospect's professional and personal profiles is a powerful way to supercharge B2B marketing. Here's why it's important and how it can help you.

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