Public Relations Resources

AI-Washing: Are Buyers Being Taken to the Cleaners?

AI-Washing: Are Buyers Being Taken to the Cleaners?

Learn about the risks of AI-washing and how deceptive AI claims can mislead customers and erode market trust. Read more.

11 Steps for Mastering B2B Podcasting: A Practical Guide for Marketers

11 Steps for Mastering B2B Podcasting: A Practical Guide for Marketers

Learn how to launch and grow a successful B2B podcast with these 11 expert tips. Start podcasting your way to marketing success. Read more.

What Journalists Want From PR Pros

What Journalists Want From PR Pros

What types of content do journalists find most valuable from PR professionals? How do they want to receive pitches and how often? To find out, researchers surveyed 3,016 journalists in 19 countries.

Fix the Glitch: Why SEO Link-Building Is Now a PR Job

Fix the Glitch: Why SEO Link-Building Is Now a PR Job

Discover why SEO link-building is best handled by digital PR agencies—and how to boost your search rankings. Find out more now.

The State of Generative AI Use in Public Relations

The State of Generative AI Use in Public Relations

Are PR pros using generative AI to help with their jobs? If so, what sorts of tasks are they using AI programs for? Find out.

Taylor Swift's PR Strategy: Lessons for Any Brand

Taylor Swift's PR Strategy: Lessons for Any Brand

Uncover the secrets behind Taylor Swift's PR success and transform your own brand's approach to storytelling, engagement, and consistent authenticity. Ready to elevate your brand's PR strategy? Dive in to learn more!

B2B PR and Content Marketing Pros Have to Get Creative as Ad Spend Drops

B2B PR and Content Marketing Pros Have to Get Creative as Ad Spend Drops

As ad spend stalls, PR and Marketing have the potential to receive a bigger share of annual budget. But what ramifications does a shift in budget allocation entail, and what opportunities await savvy, creative PR and marketing pros? Let's find out.

How Corporate Comms Can Bridge the Gap With Business by Demonstrating Value

How Corporate Comms Can Bridge the Gap With Business by Demonstrating Value

Demonstrating the link between investment in PR/corporate communications and business outcomes has always been hard. But proving value is getting easier. Here's what you need to know.

What PR and Comms Teams Do Best

What PR and Comms Teams Do Best

Which tasks do PR and communications teams excel at? Which tasks are they struggling with most? To find out, researchers conducted a survey among 427 senior-level PR and comms professionals globally.

Ethical Marketing Practices for Businesses of All Sizes

Ethical Marketing Practices for Businesses of All Sizes

An increasing number of customers want ethical products and services. That means marketers need to adopt more ethical marketing practices. Here's what you need to know—and do.

How the Barbie Movie's Marketing Genius Can Inspire Your Podcast—and Your Own Marketing

How the Barbie Movie's Marketing Genius Can Inspire Your Podcast—and Your Own Marketing

The Barbie movie is a marketing masterclass that offers valuable insights for branded podcasts—and marketers. The strategic marketing approach that made Barbie a global phenomenon can be applied to take your marketing to the next level.

How to Get the Most Out of Radio or Podcast Appearances to Amplify Your Message via Audio Media

How to Get the Most Out of Radio or Podcast Appearances to Amplify Your Message via Audio Media

Radio and podcast appearances can be powerful ways to spread your message to an audience of avid listeners who might convert into potential leads. But you have to know how to tailor your message to audiences that listen to these types of shows. These useful tips will help.

Top 5 Social Media PR Tips for B2B Brands

Top 5 Social Media PR Tips for B2B Brands

These days, public relations extends beyond traditional media. In fact, you can—and should—use social media for your B2B brand's PR as well. If only because 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make purchase decisions. Find out how to reach them.

PR and Its Importance in B2B Marketing: A Brief History

PR and Its Importance in B2B Marketing: A Brief History

Companies that spotlight their expertise, innovation, and commitment to customer success are more likely to accumulate brand loyalty—and the easiest way to do those things is through effective PR.

How to Keep Your PR Email List Healthy to Get More Media Coverage

How to Keep Your PR Email List Healthy to Get More Media Coverage

As a PR pro, you can't rely on someone else to source genuine media contacts for you. Keeping a healthy PR email list is your responsibility. Here's how to do that.

The Art of Interviewing: Four Tips for Conducting Engaging Podcast and Radio Interviews

The Art of Interviewing: Four Tips for Conducting Engaging Podcast and Radio Interviews

This article explores what makes for a great interview: research and preparation, a proper guest introduction, and engaging conversation.

Three Social Media PR Tips for Driving B2B Brand Visibility

Three Social Media PR Tips for Driving B2B Brand Visibility

When news drops, it hits seemingly every social platform at once. It can be hard for a brand to stand out among all the noise. Following the tips in this article for better social media PR.

You May Be Hiding Your Content From Your Audience: How to Make Sure They See It Instead

You May Be Hiding Your Content From Your Audience: How to Make Sure They See It Instead

You'd never hide your content from your target audience, right? If you're not publishing content in the publications your target audience is reading, you might be. Here's how to get it in front of them.

Face the Digital Age of AI in PR and Avoid Pitfalls: Five Ways to Prepare

Face the Digital Age of AI in PR and Avoid Pitfalls: Five Ways to Prepare

Increased use of generative AI has the potential to populate the Internet with false photos and misinformation, and PR pros need to prepare for possible crises.

How to Secure More Press for Your Company

How to Secure More Press for Your Company

Paid advertising gives you reach, but it's earned media coverage that builds brand trust. Check out this article for tips on how to get more media coverage.

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