How Corporate Comms Can Bridge the Gap With Business by Demonstrating Value

How Corporate Comms Can Bridge the Gap With Business by Demonstrating Value

Public Relations — Tue., Feb. 27, 2024

Proving the link between investment in corporate communications and business outcomes has always been hard. But it is getting easier. Especially in times of economic uncertainty, the value of communications is often overlooked and tying comms activities to KPIs has never been easy.

Advertising value equivalency (AVE) is often viewed as outdated, and finding other ways to quantify business impact has always been a challenge. Continuing to articulate value and advocate for sustained investment in communication activities can be difficult when organizations look to reduce costs, not increase them.

In its 2021 Future of Corporate Communications report, Edelman states that to meet the challenges of this moment, the corporate comms function must advance from being a transactional cost center to an indispensable partner generating measurable business value.

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How Corporate Comms Can Bridge the Gap With Business by Demonstrating Value

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