Artificial Intelligence Resources

ChatGPT Is Everywhere. Here's How to Keep Your PR Job.

ChatGPT Is Everywhere. Here's How to Keep Your PR Job.

AI will only replace you if your pitches and marketing copy are as wooden as those crafted by... well, a robot. It's time to embrace your humanity.

Tech, AI, and Marketing: The Evolution of SEO Strategy

Tech, AI, and Marketing: The Evolution of SEO Strategy

Even among the proliferation of AI and tech tools, focusing on business goals and the marketing side of SEO strategy is the way to win. Here's why that's the case.

Are You There, ChatGPT? It's Me, Marketing.

Are You There, ChatGPT? It's Me, Marketing.

Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

AI for Customer Support: More Meaningful Interactions, Less Costly Resolutions

AI for Customer Support: More Meaningful Interactions, Less Costly Resolutions

Artificial intelligence has been improving workflows in back-office systems for years. But the advent of generative AI, which interprets human language and mimics human speech, writing, and art, can revolutionize customer service in particular. Here's how.

Marketing at the Speed of Thought: AI Use Cases for Four Content Types

Marketing at the Speed of Thought: AI Use Cases for Four Content Types

We've all heard it: AI is here, you need to use AI, incorporate AI into your business. But in the case of marketing, what exactly do you use it for? Here are practical applications for AI across four content types.

AI for Business and Marketing: What's Possible (And What's Not)

AI for Business and Marketing: What's Possible (And What's Not)

If you're intrigued by AI but also confused, start learning here! This article, the first in a planned series on AI, covers basic terminology and possible ways to prioritize your investment. Let's learn!

Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Once the novelty of AI-generated content has worn off, is it really useful to your company? This article argues that it absolutely is, and you should adopt it sooner rather than later.

AI-Powered Martech in 2022: Promising or Already Indispensable?

AI-Powered Martech in 2022: Promising or Already Indispensable?

Why do a mundane task when software can do it for you? The use of AI in marketing has gone mainstream in recent years. Where will it go from here?

Using Product Management to Bring a Strategic View to Data and AI Ops

Using Product Management to Bring a Strategic View to Data and AI Ops

Real-world AI looks very different from sci-fi TV's beeping robots most of us watched while growing up. Today's AI cannot fulfill its potential if it's relegated to its usual incarnation—expensive prototypes or initiatives. AI in the enterprise functions best as an integral part of a product management system.

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