Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

Artificial Intelligence — Wed., Nov. 16, 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already being used to generate press releases, email outreach and social media updates, making it more efficient than human work. Many industries have adopted AI to increase efficiency and profits, but PR is lagging behind. Despite its current limitations, it is important for PR to adopt AI in order to stay relevant and avoid obsolescence.

Companies can integrate AI into various facets of their business, like generating press releases, sending pitches to journalists and doing social media outreach. AI will never replace human ingenuity, creativity and originality, but using it can help increase capacity and output. Companies that start using AI now will be better positioned to take advantage of its improvements in the future.

AI can be intimidating due to its tech-heavy subject, so it is understandable that some marketers are hesitant. But if they do not start using AI, they will be outrun by companies that do. AI is here to stay and it is important to start adapting to it now.

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Why PR (And Marketing) Pros Need to Embrace Imperfect AI Writing Technology Now

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