The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

Career Development — Tue., May. 16, 2023

According to recent research from Authority Hacker, digital marketers say content writers, email marketers, and social media managers face the highest risk of disruption from artificial intelligence (AI). The survey revealed that 82% of respondents believe content writers are at high risk, 43% think email marketers are at high risk, and 34% say the same for social media managers.

50.6% of digital marketers in the survey expressed concern that AI might threaten their job. Additionally, a third of the respondents reported that their firm had already replaced some tasks traditionally done by humans with AI.

Finally, 73% of digital marketers are at least slightly concerned about AI content becoming increasingly similar to content written by people. The survey was based on data from 3,812 digital marketers.

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The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

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