How to Make Sales and Marketing Relationships Last: Four Lessons From Marriage

How to Make Sales and Marketing Relationships Last: Four Lessons From Marriage

Marketing Management — Tue., Apr. 12, 2022

As marketers, it is important to ensure that our sales and marketing teams are working in tandem. Here are some tips to keep the relationship healthy and long-lasting. Firstly, ensure that both teams agree on the big stuff and pick your battles. Secondly, don't rely too heavily on tools and technologies, as they won't automatically guarantee alignment. Last but not least, be prepared for worse and show your best when faced with trials and tribulations.

When it comes to keeping the relationship healthy, it is important to be thoughtful and considerate of the specific nuances of the business. Furthermore, it is important to focus on your partner and move attention away from shiny campaigns and towards programs to close pipeline. Lastly, make extra effort to connect with one another through understanding and empathy, even when it is difficult to do so.

Ultimately, the same basic human traits such as alignment, empathy, compromise, appreciation, and connection are the keys to a lasting, loving, and successful relationship between sales and marketing teams. It is important to remember that sales and marketing alignment is paramount to a successful relationship, and it needs to be approached with thought and consideration.

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How to Make Sales and Marketing Relationships Last: Four Lessons From Marriage

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