Agility vs. Speed: How Agile Marketing Can Manage Volatile Times

Agility vs. Speed: How Agile Marketing Can Manage Volatile Times

Marketing Management — Tue., Nov. 3, 2020

When you imagine an Agile Marketing team, what words spring to mind? Agile teams are associated with speed, yet true agility comes from being disciplined in work execution. This allows teams to learn, iterate, and improve, not just chase the shiny object of the week. Focusing on a few tasks at a time prevents context-switching costs, and a backlog can be used to filter and prioritize work requests.

Agile Marketing teams must also take the time to inspect and adapt their efforts. Taking the time to pause and review the impact of previous work allows marketers to decide what's working and what's not, and make the call to pivot away from ineffective effort. Speed is optional, but disciplined agility is not.

Disciplined delivery is what allows Agile Marketing teams to be first to learn, iterate, and improve. Focusing on a few tasks, using a backlog to prioritize work, and taking the time to inspect and adapt are all essential for effective marketing. That is how Agile teams appear to be so fast and productive.

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Agility vs. Speed: How Agile Marketing Can Manage Volatile Times

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