What's Driving the 'Great Resignation': A Look at Why Workers Quit

What's Driving the 'Great Resignation': A Look at Why Workers Quit

Career Development — Wed., Oct. 12, 2022

McKinsey & Company conducted a research to find out why so many people quit their jobs over the past few years. Their research found that 40% of workers globally may leave their jobs in the near future. 65% of those who did quit their jobs didn’t take a new job in the same industry.

Workers cite lack of career development and advancement opportunities, inadequate total compensation and uncaring and uninspiring leaders as the top reasons for quitting a job. However, workplace flexibility and meaningful work are some of the top factors that make them stay.

The research also classified workers into 'traditionalists' and 'nontraditionalists'. Traditionalists cited career development and advancement opportunities as the top reason for quitting a job, while nontraditionalists cited workplace flexibility as the top factor for returning to a traditional job.

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What's Driving the 'Great Resignation': A Look at Why Workers Quit

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