How Employers Can Foster a Stronger Culture and Reduce Burnout

How Employers Can Foster a Stronger Culture and Reduce Burnout

Career Development — Tue., Mar. 29, 2022

Full-time employees prioritize work-life balance and team-building events to foster a stronger company culture, according to research from HubSpot. The survey of 4,008 full-time employees aged 18 and over from 8 countries found that 47% of respondents cited work-life balance as the most important aspect of a company culture. 30% of respondents said they would like to see their employers invest in engagement and team-building events.

To alleviate worker stress and reduce burnout, employees would like to see their employers prioritize flexible time off. The survey also found that 55% of workers would prefer a salary increase over a four-day workweek, and 45% would prefer a four-day workweek over a salary increase. Surprisingly, 36% of respondents said they would rather visit the dentist each month than work from the office five days a week.

These findings from the HubSpot report provide valuable insights into what employees prioritize and what actions employers can take to create a better work environment. By investing in work-life balance, flexible time off, and team-building events, employers can foster a stronger company culture that benefits both employers and employees.

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How Employers Can Foster a Stronger Culture and Reduce Burnout

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