The Decline of Cookies Means the Rise of Organic Search Marketing

The Decline of Cookies Means the Rise of Organic Search Marketing

SEO — Thu., Dec. 7, 2023

Marketers and advertisers must adjust their strategies to the cookieless future, with data privacy regulations and consumer preferences requiring fast decision making. Paid search is no longer providing the same predictable results, so brands should focus on organic search to build trust and loyalty. The new era of organic search provides automation, quantifiable ROI, and increased brand authority.

Organizations should relook their marketing and advertising budgets, prioritizing organic search with contextual content instead of outdated keyword strategies. Botify's study found that consumers trust brands that rank higher in organic search, and more than one-third of respondents change their search terms if not satisfied with the initial results.

Organic search optimizations can now be done automatically, generate revenue impact quickly, and be evaluated like other performance marketing channels. To remain competitive, brands must make organic search a key pillar of their strategy and use AI and automation to make agile changes.

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The Decline of Cookies Means the Rise of Organic Search Marketing

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