Three SEO Trends Marketers Need to Know in 2022

Three SEO Trends Marketers Need to Know in 2022

SEO — Wed., Jan. 26, 2022

SEO is a vital marketing channel for modern businesses. In 2021, Google made several updates such as continuous scrolling mobile and indented results that had a direct impact on site interactivity. In 2022, trends like Google Discover, Core Web Vitals, and title tag rewrites are important for marketers to keep track of.

Google Discover has been around for three years and is gaining more traction. It curates content based on users’ search queries and can drive significantly more traffic than organic search. To be featured, sites need schema markup, a focused topic, click-worthiness, and fast loading speed.

Core Web Vitals, part of Google’s Page Experience update, has three signals that prioritize the user experience. Title tag rewrites, which Google will continue to refine, are important for ranking on SERPs. Understanding and utilizing these trends is essential for any good SEO plan in 2022.

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Three SEO Trends Marketers Need to Know in 2022

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