One Tip to Improve On-Page SEO: Use More Mini-Infographics (A Guide)

One Tip to Improve On-Page SEO: Use More Mini-Infographics (A Guide)

SEO — Tue., Jul. 20, 2021

B2B marketers often struggle to improve on-page SEO. However, using mini-infographics can help engage readers and reduce bounce rates. According to research, attention spans have been decreasing, so adding visuals to content can help keep readers on the page. Mini-infographics can be created using an online infographic maker or design tips such as keeping plenty of white space, using 2-3 colors, and using readable fonts.

Mini-infographics can be used to summarize key points and help easily skim through content. This includes charts, maps, and other visuals that are short enough to give readers a reason to stay on the page. Additionally, optimizing images with alt-text can help with SEO ranking.

On-page SEO analysis can help determine which pages need mini-infographics. After updating a page with a high bounce rate, there was a huge decrease in bounces. To incorporate mini-infographics into content, write shorter sentences, use more headings, and create visuals every few hundred words.

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One Tip to Improve On-Page SEO: Use More Mini-Infographics (A Guide)

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