A Branding Geek's Five Brand-Naming Rules You Shouldn't Hesitate to Break

A Branding Geek's Five Brand-Naming Rules You Shouldn't Hesitate to Break

Branding — Thu., Sep. 29, 2022

Steve Jobs famously named his company Apple in the late 1970s, demonstrating that the brand name doesn't always need to follow the rules. With the large volume of businesses and the increased visibility of social media, picking a great brand name can be difficult. This article introduces five rules that can be bent or broken to create a magical name.

Short names can be memorable and modern, but a longer name can be equally impressive. First names are popular, but might not reflect the brand. Names don't always have to describe the product or service and can evoke emotion or be easy to say. Companies such as Slack, Monday, and Apple have successfully used this rule.

Ultimately, a successful name requires a deep understanding of the brand. Many of the rules are valid but none is the holy grail. Expedia is modern, but not practical. Sharpie is short, but doesn't evoke emotion. Doing the groundwork behind understanding the brand is a surefire way to succeed.

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A Branding Geek's Five Brand-Naming Rules You Shouldn't Hesitate to Break

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