Expectation Branding: The Value of Losing Quickly and Owning Your Flaws

Expectation Branding: The Value of Losing Quickly and Owning Your Flaws

Branding — Tue., Feb. 28, 2023

Do you position your offerings as perfect? Five stars out of five? It may be true that your customers love you, but by marketing and messaging only the fantastic... you are ironically making it harder for your prospects to make a decision. Consider how brands like IKEA and Costco brand their flaws as core to their offerings. As a B2B organization, why not own your flaws too? There is value in losing quickly and setting accurate expectations for customers.

When you leave a Costco, you don't give a second thought to having someone check your receipt. That's why Costco now sits second as the largest retailer in the US after Walmart. By embracing your flaws, you can draw more prequalified customers, speed customer decision-making, and win a higher percentage of opportunities. This lays the foundation of trust and helps customers accurately predict the outcome.

Look at the categories of customer expectations. Which ones are you focused on being the best at? Price? Service? The future of sales and marketing is radical transparency. You have to own your flaws and be transparent about them. This will help you build trust with customers and better qualify for opportunities.

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Expectation Branding: The Value of Losing Quickly and Owning Your Flaws

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