How to Meet B2B Buyers' E-Commerce Expectations

How to Meet B2B Buyers' E-Commerce Expectations

Demand Generation — Thu., Aug. 11, 2022

B2B buyers are on the hook for making accurate and timely purchases. Organizations need to identify and solve for their buyer's pain points, not just the UX. Technology allows buyers to have an easy one-stop shop for product and application information, purchasing, service, and support. There are four ways to improve the B2B buying experience: using interactive buyer journeys, eliminating irrelevant and noisy experiences, eliminating guesswork for buyers, and using proactive processes.

Improving relevancy, contextualization, and personalization are key to eliminating noise. Technologies such as domain-specific knowledge graphs, machine-learning, and dense vectors can also be incorporated into search, browse, and recommendations. Product data, real-time availability, and sufficient information should be easily accessible to reduce purchase hesitancy and abandonment.

Proactive processes, intelligent push-based notifications, and shop bots can help buyers plan ahead and minimize their frustration. Invest in a platform that can learn and apply an ideal approach for each circumstance, and consider the entire ecosystem of customers, employees, and support agents when weighing technology investments.

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How to Meet B2B Buyers' E-Commerce Expectations

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