How 'Tangential Content' Can Elevate Your B2B Company's Link-Building

How 'Tangential Content' Can Elevate Your B2B Company's Link-Building

Marketing Content — Wed., Sep. 9, 2020

Links are essential for search engine optimization, but it can be difficult for B2B brands to build them without relying on major events or changes. Tangential content, which lies between what the company does and something completely unrelated, is key for building brand awareness and gaining backlinks from media outlets. Through research and high-quality content, companies can gain top-of-the-funnel attention and establish trust and recognition.

Using the example of Shopify's quiz, tangential content can be used to engage with the target audience. By creating content that is likely to rank for a broad keyword or is highly engaging and shareable, companies can increase brand awareness. Additionally, the media coverage and links earned from pitching tangential content can help advance a company's objectives.

When creating tangential content, companies should focus on the general industry and consider what questions the target audience has that are not directly related to the offering. Through research, high-quality content, and engagement, companies can successfully create and promote tangential content and, in turn, bolster their link-building and brand-awareness efforts.

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How 'Tangential Content' Can Elevate Your B2B Company's Link-Building

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