Meet the BETAs: A Profile of Younger B2B Decision-Makers

Meet the BETAs: A Profile of Younger B2B Decision-Makers

Marketing Strategy — Tue., Feb. 2, 2021

Research conducted by The B2B Institute at LinkedIn, Light Years, and GWI has identified four key characteristics of younger B2B decision-makers: blurred boundaries (B), evolving (E), tech native (T), and activist (A). BETAs often blur work-life boundaries, seek continual self-evolution, and expect brands to address social issues.

The survey data showed that BETAs use business services like Zoom for both personal and professional reasons, and are significantly more likely than older decision-makers to take part in professional online learning. They are also tech and mobile natives, using their smartphones for work and collaboration tools such as Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Finally, BETAs care strongly about workplace diversity and sustainability, and expect brands and companies to reflect this in their hiring and leadership policies. For an in-depth exploration of the research, check out the full report.

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Meet the BETAs: A Profile of Younger B2B Decision-Makers

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