17 Must-Have Elements of Your B2B Content Brief

17 Must-Have Elements of Your B2B Content Brief

Marketing Content — Fri., Mar. 8, 2024

Generative AI is increasingly used for marketing content, but marketers should not rely solely on it. AI tools can generate ideas and gather sources, but cannot provide original content with insights and added value. A human writer is needed for B2B content.

17 essential elements should be included in a brief for a B2B content writer: target audience insights, customer journey stage, article goal, word count, primary and secondary keywords, meta title and description requirements, H1 requirements, clear article structure with H2 and H3 headings, internal style guide, internal and external link guidelines, competing content URLs, first-draft and final article deadlines, and an AI content detector link.

Despite the rise of AI technology, it is not a replacement for human creativity. It should be used as a helpful tool to boost creativity and workflow. Resources are available for ensuring high-quality outsourced content, such as avoiding common mistakes and effectively working with freelance content creators.

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17 Must-Have Elements of Your B2B Content Brief

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