Stop the Churn: Why Less Is More in B2B Content Marketing

Stop the Churn: Why Less Is More in B2B Content Marketing

Marketing Content — Wed., Sep. 6, 2023

Content is a catalyst for achieving various business objectives, but depending on the goal it can take different forms. SEO is important, however, it only captures the attention of people actively in the market. Content should focus on helping customers recognize their problems, become aware of solutions, and make them the hero of the story.

Content should be about the customer's challenges (80%) and our solutions (20%). It should be easily accessible, highly relevant, and make an impact. Distributing content should aim to reach as many potential buyers as possible, and consider dropping gated content.

The right content crafted in the right way for the right audience has a powerful impact. Thought leadership is more effective than traditional product-oriented marketing, and requires more than hastily churned-out content.

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Stop the Churn: Why Less Is More in B2B Content Marketing

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