Is Cold Email Dead?
Explore whether cold email is becoming illegal and if it's losing effectiveness. Stay informed on critical cold email issues. Read more.
With up to 4 billion emails sent and received every day, making yours stand out is a challenge. However, it is worth it as email marketing is still a popular and profitable channel for businesses. To create an effective email, start with a good first impression, write compelling copy, focus on design and layout, add a call to action, use responsive elements and make it accessible. To learn more, read the definitive guide to creating kick-ass emails.
Your email is judged in the first 10 seconds, so make sure it's appealing and engaging. Write clear, light copy that's easy to skim, and use a no-code drag and drop email builder to quickly create a powerful impact with design. Your CTA should be there from the start and end, to guide readers to their onward journey. Make sure your email is optimized for all screen sizes and devices, and incorporate accessibility features for the broadest possible audience.
Email creation should be a labor of love, and it can be with the right email builder. Take back creative control with modular and easy-to-integrate tools, and see what you can do. Read our guide and create kick-ass emails to get the most out of your email marketing efforts.
... continue reading belowSeven Strategies for Creating Kick-Ass Emails That Stand Out
Don't worry ... it's FREE!
Explore whether cold email is becoming illegal and if it's losing effectiveness. Stay informed on critical cold email issues. Read more.
Baby Boomers and Gen X are more likely to believe that the use of slang in email marketing damages brand image compared with Millennials and Gen Z, according to recent research.
Learn how to boost your email deliverability and engagement. Discover effective tips for testing to ensure your emails are seen and acted on.
Learn 12 powerful email segmentation methods to tailor your campaigns and maximize engagement and conversions. Read more.
Email continues to do so much of the heavy lifting for marketers, creating and maintaining long-lasting customer relationships. And, without exception, every successful email program is built on a foundation of a solid email list.
A multilingual email marketing strategy doesn't stop at the translation of text. Localization is also essential. This article breaks down what you need to consider.