How to Align Content to the Buyer's Journey for Increased Conversions

How to Align Content to the Buyer's Journey for Increased Conversions

Marketing Content — Wed., Mar. 23, 2022

Conversions are an important metric for success in account-based marketing, yet many B2B marketers struggle to achieve high conversion rates. Content is key for aligning with the buyer journey and driving up conversions. Going beyond personas, adapting to modern customer expectations and tracking progress are important steps for creating content that resonates and moves buyers forward.

Personas provide a starting point, but digging deeper to figure out how each potential customer thinks and what they value is necessary. Additionally, personalization is now a requirement, with companies like Netflix and Amazon providing highly customized recommendations. To create content that is tailored to each buyer, you must map content to each stage of the journey and centralize and organize your content.

Lastly, tracking progress and understanding ROI is key to ensure content is being used properly and to make changes as needed. Tools are available to provide direct insights and help marketers know exactly who they are talking to. Content that is organized, relevant and tailored to each buyer is essential for an optimized buyer journey and increased conversions.

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How to Align Content to the Buyer's Journey for Increased Conversions

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