Is AI More Creative Than Marketers?

Is AI More Creative Than Marketers?

Artificial Intelligence — Tue., Jan. 23, 2024 According to Brandbuilders' survey of 184 marketers, opinions are divided on whether AI is more or less creative than humans in content development. 41% say AI is less creative, 34% say it's equal, and 25% say it's more creative. The top reason for this is that AI-generated content can feel formulaic and robotic. In addition, more than half of the respondents (55%) believe that AI-generated content is of lower quality compared to human-created content. Only 10% think AI content is of higher quality and 35% say it's just as good. The majority of marketers (76%) say they can often differentiate between AI and human-created content. The survey, conducted in October 2023, reveals that marketers have mixed views on AI's creativity and quality in content development. 41% believe it's less creative, and 55% say it's of lower quality. However, 76% of marketers say they can tell the difference between AI and human-generated content. ... continue reading below
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Is AI More Creative Than Marketers?

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