ChatGPT Has Turned 1: What Have We Learned From AI's Breakout Year?

ChatGPT Has Turned 1: What Have We Learned From AI's Breakout Year?

Artificial Intelligence — Tue., Jan. 9, 2024

The one-year anniversary of ChatGPT was at the end of November 2023. The preceding year, 2022, was a landmark year with the release of Stable Diffusion for images and ChatGPT for text. The world as we know it has since changed dramatically.

So, what have we learned in the past year or so from the whiplash rollercoaster ride we now call generative AI?

The implications of the changes AI has ushered in are absurdly large, almost too big to imagine, and we're only at the very beginning of that change. Clay Shirky once said that a tool becomes societally interesting once it becomes technologically boring, but AI is defying that trend. It's still technologically interesting, but its simplicity and ease of use make it societally interesting as well. And those societal changes are only beginning to be felt.

This article, adapted from Christopher Penn's Almost Timely Newsletter, discusses three major artificial intelligence (AI) trends and offers three related sets of takeaways and advice to knowledge workers, businesses, and even policymakers.

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ChatGPT Has Turned 1: What Have We Learned From AI's Breakout Year?

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