Engagement-Based Email Segmentation: How to Ensure Your Messages Land in the Inbox

Engagement-Based Email Segmentation: How to Ensure Your Messages Land in the Inbox

Email Marketing — Tue., Sep. 19, 2023

More emails are being sent than ever before and it's becoming more difficult for them to reach their intended destinations. Email is still a cornerstone channel for businesses, delivering a high ROI of $36 per $1 spent. Email segmentation is a tried-and-true tactic for maximizing email engagement and can increase open rates by up to 203%.

Strong email engagement is key for winning over ISPs. Adapt sending frequency to different engagement patterns through segmentation to increase positive engagement and reduce negative signals. Two list segmentation strategies to improve deliverability are sunsetting and signal boosting.

Sunsetting can be used to identify and discontinue sending emails to disengaged contacts, while signal boosting focuses on sending more emails to engaged recipients. Combining these strategies with other advanced techniques, such as personalization, can help ensure emails land in the appropriate inbox.

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Engagement-Based Email Segmentation: How to Ensure Your Messages Land in the Inbox

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