Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

Email Marketing — Wed., Mar. 1, 2023

The global email marketing industry is forecast to reach $17.9 billion by 2027. To stay relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses must realign their email marketing strategies. Personalization and data-backed insights are essential for making meaningful connections with audiences.

Personalization tactics include segmentation, considering browsing history, taking advantage of important dates, employing trigger emails, and sending emails from a specific person. User-generated content and A/B testing can also help create value and boost sales.

Automation can streamline repetitive tasks, help nurture leads, and promote brand values. It's important to find the balance between automation and personalization, as well as prioritize interactions and engagements over sales pitches.

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Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

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