Stepping Out of the Dark Funnel: How to Shed Light on What Is Not Registered by Your Pixels (Article 2 of 2)

Stepping Out of the Dark Funnel: How to Shed Light on What Is Not Registered by Your Pixels (Article 2 of 2)

Measurement & Analytics — Thu., Nov. 10, 2022

In Part 1 of this series, a unique solution was suggested to handle the challenge of the dark funnel for B2B marketers: Dividing the dark funnel into measurable and unmeasurable parts and implementing a holistic marketing measurement approach. This article covers four steps for this approach: Measure the measurable dark funnel, isolate and monitor the unmeasurable dark funnel, launch ongoing efforts to measure the dark funnel, and don't ignore your intuitions - turn them into data.

Examples of the measurable dark funnel include monitoring social interactions, subscribing to the paid version of review sites, formalizing your UTM structure and mapping it, and implementing self-reported attribution. The unmeasurable dark funnel can be handled by bundling relevant sources into a channel named "Dark Funnel," and by running statistical correlation analysis.

Finally, decision-making should combine analysis insights with assumptions and intuitions, and marketing attribution and measurement should be part of any robust analytics strategy. Investing in them is necessary for today's dynamic and competitive markets.

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Stepping Out of the Dark Funnel: How to Shed Light on What Is Not Registered by Your Pixels (Article 2 of 2)

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