The Future of TV Ad Measurement Is TBD. Here's What Marketers Should Do About It.

The Future of TV Ad Measurement Is TBD. Here's What Marketers Should Do About It.

Measurement & Analytics — Wed., Nov. 2, 2022

The dramatic shift in consumer habits around video consumption is largely due to more time spent online and more available options than just traditional TV viewing. 84% of video viewers watch videos on YouTube, with US viewers aged 18-43 spending 63% of their overall TV viewing time on streaming. This change is further compounded by Nielsen's decertification by the Media Rating council last fall.

To create successful TV and video strategies, marketers need to abandon the single-source-of-measurement mentality and consider a holistic video strategy. This includes data-driven linear TV, addressable TV, CTV, over-the-top streaming, online video, and social. Additionally, they need to use the new formats at their disposal and rely on technology to help. This includes platforms such as Double Verify and Integral Ad Sciences to verify their spend, and demand-side platforms to purchase and deliver video inventory.

Advances in technology and the ever-changing TV and video landscape are creating a wealth of opportunities for brands and marketers. From creating their own measurement frameworks to using vignette-style videos to utilizing demand-side platforms, there are many ways to maximize user experiences and drive business outcomes.

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The Future of TV Ad Measurement Is TBD. Here's What Marketers Should Do About It.

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