Considerations for Measuring Your B2B Influencer Marketing Effectiveness and ROI
Understand how to assess the ROI and effectiveness of your B2B influencer marketing campaigns. Learn more.
In our data-driven business environment, marketing teams need to be agile and lean to bring the most value to the organisation. Tracking metrics that don't bring value is a waste of time, so here are a few examples of marketing metrics that are ready to be retired and suggestions for better ones to replace them.
Leads and Cost per Lead (CPL) are both misleading metrics, as they don't track how dollars are contributing to the bottom line. Instead, tracking Pipeline dollars per channel and Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) provides better insight into how Marketing is adding value. Similarly, vanity metrics like website bounce rates, page-one keyword rankings and Facebook Likes don't add to pipeline and revenue. Replacing these with Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) will show which segments bring in long-term, profitable customers.
Keeping track of the right marketing metrics is critical for efficient teams. Replacing outmoded metrics with those that provide more meaningful insight into Marketing's contribution to growing pipeline and revenue is key to success.
Three Marketing Metrics to Stop Tracking—And What to Measure Instead
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Understand how to assess the ROI and effectiveness of your B2B influencer marketing campaigns. Learn more.
You vastly improve your marketing results when you understand the importance of customer insights and use data for personalization. Learn more.
Learn which KPIs are crucial for SaaS marketing success during uncertain economic times. Identify and improve key metrics. Read more.
Learn how to present these four essential KPIs to your board, ensuring your data tells a compelling story. Find out now.
As third-party cookies crumble, how do marketers measure success? Explore how closed-loop measurement adapts to a cookieless future. Understand its impact on marketing measurement and discover its benefits. Read more.
Marketers who work for B2B organizations with complete and high-quality data are more likely to be satisfied with their lead scoring and to believe they will meet their marketing goals, according to recent research from Anteriad.