Three Ways to Build Customer Trust in an Increasingly Out-of-Control World

Three Ways to Build Customer Trust in an Increasingly Out-of-Control World

Customer Experience — Tue., May. 11, 2021

In 2018 political journalist Murtaza Hussein of The Intercept warned that technology was starting to exceed our ability to keep up with it and this was having a negative effect on democracy. Fast-forward to now and this warning seems to have come too late. Brands have stumbled into a complex world with a lack of trust and the power of technology giants increasing.

Business is now the most trusted institution according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, but still only 54% of people trust it. To win back trust in 2021 brands need to focus on three pillars; put control back into the hands of customers, shift their perspective to be 'raw' and align with customer values. These methods include providing information on demand, self-service, strip away artifice and scripting, and connecting brands to movements bigger than their product category.

This holistic system of giving control, being 'raw' and having 'heroic credibility' provides a blueprint for brands to build trust and credibility in a jaded and distracted world. To do this they must ensure their audience is with them every step of the way.

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Three Ways to Build Customer Trust in an Increasingly Out-of-Control World

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