Five Ways Your Content Might Be Sabotaging Your Account-Based Marketing

Five Ways Your Content Might Be Sabotaging Your Account-Based Marketing

Marketing Content — Wed., Jun. 16, 2021

Account-based marketing ( ABM) is a popular B2B sales strategy that can reduce marketing costs and increase leads. To make the most of ABM, marketers must avoid common content marketing mistakes. These include failing to connect marketing to sales, hiding or gating content, missing third-party credibility, failing to measure content metrics and playing it too safe.

Successful ABM content marketing requires collaboration between sales and marketing. To bridge the gap, marketers should invite salespeople to join the planning process and provide customer insights. Furthermore, some of the content should be ungated and available to the public, as well as to buyers, salespeople and search engines.

High-quality content can be further improved by featuring customer stories, measuring content metrics and taking risks. Doing so will help marketers and salespeople create a meaningful account-based buyer experience that adds value and encourages prospects to engage in meaningful conversations.

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Five Ways Your Content Might Be Sabotaging Your Account-Based Marketing

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